Employer Recognition Scheme

The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme recognises and rewards UK employers for their support to Defence personnel. The scheme encompasses Bronze, Silver and Gold awards for employer organisations that pledge, demonstrate or advocate support to Defence and the Armed Forces community, and align their support with the Armed Forces Covenant.


Employers who sign up to the scheme on-line and state their intent to support Defence personnel will receive an electronic Bronze certificate. They will be listed on the Employer Recognition Scheme database and they may choose to have their details on the website to show their intended support for Defence.0008  WFP5805


Employers who demonstrate support for Defence personnel may be nominated for a Silver award by a third party, via the

Employer Recognition Scheme website.  Recipients will be presented with the Silver award at special prestigious regional events; they will be listed on the Employer Recognition Scheme database and their details may be included on the website as supportive employers.

Gold ERS Awards ceremony 2022Gold.

Employers who become advocates for the support of Defence personnel may be nominated for a Gold award by a third party via the Employer Recognition Scheme website.  Recipients will be presented with the Gold award at a special high profile national event; they will be listed on the Employer Recognition Scheme database and their details may be included on the website as supportive employers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can nominate an Employer for Silver or Gold?

A wide range of people may nominate an employer for either a Silver or Gold award, including employees who are Reservists, Armed Forces Veterans, spouses or cadet volunteers.  Nominations may also be made from a variety of other sources, including the Defence Relationship Management (“DRM”) organisation, a Regional Employer Engagement Director or Reserve Forces units.  Nominations will be validated to confirm the level of support offered to Defence personnel and that the employer has signed the Armed Forces Covenant.

What is the time-frame for nominations?

Employers may register for a Bronze award online at any time throughout the year. Nominations for Silver and Gold awards are also submitted online, closing dates are given on the website.

Who makes the decision on a Silver or Gold award?

When the nomination has been validated, it will be considered by a selection board at national level for Gold awards and regional level for Silver awards.  The selection boards will be chaired by a senior military officer and each nomination will be considered against the award criteria. Organisations selected for Silver and Gold awards will be notified in writing and invited to attend a presentation event.

For how long is an award valid?

The Gold and Silver awards will be linked to the year of the award.  It is expected that employers will actively reflect their status as an award winner for 3 years from the date of the award, although the award itself will continue to be listed on the website and be a matter of public record.

How do I unsubscribe or remove my organisation from the website listing?

If your organisation no longer wishes to be listed as an award winner on the Employer Recognition Scheme website, please inform your Regional Employer Engagement Director.

To register for a Bronze award and for more information on the Scheme, go to the Employer Recognition Scheme website or contact:

Regional Employer Engagement Director

Email: em-enquiries@rfca.mod.uk