
Saturday 29th June 2019

The City of Lincoln’s Armed Forces Day

The City of Lincoln has continuously held an Armed Forces Day event every year since it all began in 2010. This year’s event will uphold the thread of previous years in supportingĀ  local Tri-Service personnel based within the City and Lincolnshire as a whole, as well as Reservists and our Veterans. Not forgetting the Sea Cadets, Army Cadets and Air Cadets. It’s an opportunity for the general public and the local community to meet, speak to and engage with Veterans of all ages and Military personnel from the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, learn and explore life in the military past and present.

The day will deliver a variety of entertainement, from the local Cadet Forces with their annual drill competition, music from the Army Cadets and the Sea Cadets, the Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Band. Other entertainment will be provided by solo artisits at various points during the day, as well as other displays. Supporting this event will be all the local Armed Forces Charities, RBL, SSAFA, ABF and RAFA, alongside these all our local Associations will all be present, RNA, Submariners, Royal Anglian & Royal Lincolnshire’s, WRAC, Malaya & Borneo Veterans, Royal Artillery, Para’s, Royal Signals, Royal Observer Corps, Lancaster, RAF Regiment and NHS MEVS – TILS Team. Additional Army vehicles to look and enjoy will be provided by the Royal Logistics – Army Reserves Unit and RAF Reserves.


10:00 - 16:00
Saturday 29th June 2019


High Street,

February 2024

EVENTS IN February