Derbyshire Army Cadet Force Annual Camp 2018

Practicing drill on the parade square.
Cadets were taught by adult volunteers and regulars from the Army.
3 Adult volunteer's helping cadets improve their drill technique
Cooking out during the 1 Star fieldcraft exercise.
Cadets cooked ration packs on hexi stoves
For many of the 1 Star cadets this was their first time trying ration packs
A Potential Instructor showing the cadets how it is done
The cadets spent the night in the field under bashas on this two day exercise.
As part of the exercise cadets needed to navigate around the area using a map
Checking the instructions before lighting the stoves
Cadets were put into groups based on their experience
Abseiling during the adventure training at Kielder Water.
Waiting for a go
Cadets also got to use the climbing wall on the same tower
No hands abseiling
Watching the climbers go up the tower
It was the perfect weather for cadets to improve their skills on the water
Cadets tried kayaking and paddle boarding
One of the challenges in Canadian canoes involved swapping positions in the boats
An instructor helping a cadet off of a paddle board
One of the challenges meant cadets needed to get out of the canoe and swim to the shore and back
As well as canoeing and kayaking there was also raft building
A Cadet pushing the raft along
Working together to carry a paddle board
Putting away the paddles
The boats were launched from a jetty
Helping to put the equipment away
An Adult Volunteer trying out one of the adventurous activities
The Adult Volunteers climbed
The volunteers climbing the ladder
Cadets were visited by dignitaries from Derbyshire
Derbyshire Commandant, Lt Col Chris Doyle gave a presentation to the visitors.
It told the visitors more about what cadets do in the ACF
Senior Cadets including the Cadet Sergeant Major
A Potential Instructor giving a fieldcraft lesson in the woods
Cadets taking a break from the exercise
Fieldcraft brought out the biggest smiles of all
Planning an attack during the exercise
The Mayor and Mayoress of Belper speaking with cadets during the fieldcraft exercise
Cadets demonstrating drill with weapons
Derbyshire County Chairman Phil Giles speaking with one of the Cadets
Cadets and Adult Volunteers on parade
Walking to the range
Cadets practicing their target shooting skills on the range
The range had electronic targets that would pop up and measure the cadet's accuracy
Honorary Colonel Elsam speaking with a cadet over lunch
Cadets learning how to handle weapons in the DCCT
Cadets showed visitors all of the different things they learn and told them why they enjoyed cadets
Being shown how to put on and adjust the strap on a gun
The 1 Star cadets improving their Drill with the help of an Adult Volunteer
The Mayor of Belper speaking with an adult volunteer on visitor's day.
Standing in lines waiting to meet the visitors