Executive Leader 2018
The morning session was held in the Officer's Mess
Participants sat in teams to discuss what they were learning
Lt Col Matt Ketterer gave presnetations about leadership
One of the teams discussing what they've been taught
It gave the executives a chance to speak to serving soldiers to better understand what they do
The shield task was all about self evaluation to encourage self improvement as a leader
There were lots of discussion sessions
The presentations covered every aspect of leadership
Demonstrating how to safely navigate the command tasks
Raising the board without touching the ground
Participants could only touch the green areas to complete the task
Reciving a briefing after one of the command tasks
Passing a board between two platforms during a command task
Trying to bridge the gap
Working together to get past the obstacles
Advising the team from afar
All of the participants with the EMUOTC soldiers who helped run the day
Being briefed before the command task
Discussing the plan
Securing the bottle during the final challenge
Each team tackled the final challnege differently
During the final task of the day
The final task involved pouring water into a canteen remotely
The debrief and presentation