
September 20th 2018

Bishop Grosseteste University signs the Armed Forces Covenant

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Lt Col Rich Forsyth and Reverend Canon Peter Neil after the signing. Image courtesy of Emily Bennett.

Yesterday Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) Vice Chancellor the Reverend Canon Peter Neil was joined by Lt Col Rich Forsyth, Commanding Officer Army Training Regiment (Grantham), as he signed the Armed Forces Covenant.

The Covenant is around a pledge from BGU to support members of the Armed Forces Community with two founding principles:

  • No member of the Armed Forces Community should face disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen
  • In some circumstances special treatment may be appropriate, especially for the injured or bereaved

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    The Covenant signing was part of a ceremony attended by representatives from the University. Image courtesy of Emily Bennett.

Speaking at the ceremony in the University’s BG Futures building, the Vice Chancellor explained why signing the covenant was important to BGU:

“At BGU we are committed to providing an open and supportive environment where all our students and staff are treated with respect.

“We very much value the Armed Services and signing this Covenant today showcases our commitment to these services. It is fantastic to be able to support individuals who are such an intrinsic part of the history of Lincolnshire”

The Covenant is part of a number of initiatives at BGU, including working with the Enhanced Learning Credits Scheme, to support staff and students from all backgrounds, you can find more information on all of them on the BGU website.

“At BGU we are committed to providing an open and supportive environment where all our students and staff are treated with respect."