November 11th 2013
Corby Air Cadets Debate at RAF College Cranwell
On Sunday 3rd November two cadets from 422 (Corby) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets made their way to Royal Air Force College Cranwell to take part in the Single Services’ Selection Day in a bid to gain a place on the House of Lords Debate Team.
The successful team which will be made up of school-age cadets, representing all aspects of the armed forces from across the UK will debate themes around defence in the House of Lords Chamber.
The theme of the event will be ‘The Great War: Listening to the Past; Talking to the Future’.
Corporal Sasha Forrest and Cadet Matthew Hicks, representing 422 (Corby) Squadron and South and East Midlands Wing, turned up bright and early at Adastral Hall; headquarters for recruitment and Officer Air Crew Selection, ready to take on the day’s events alongside 30 other Air Cadets from the Air Cadet Organisation.
Both cadets put in a sterling effort throughout the day, taking part in the various assessed tasks with great determination and were a credit not only to the Squadron but the Wing too and although not successful in gaining a place in the final debating team, the cadets have been invited to attend the event in the House of Lords Chambers and may even get a chance to speak ‘from the floor’.
The Squadron would like to send a special thanks to Flying Officer Phil Warr from 378 (Mannock) Squadron for providing transport and accompanying the cadets throughout the day.