April 26th 2018
A flag raising ceremony marks 103 BATTALION REME arrival into Northampton
A flag raising ceremony has been held to mark the merger of 104 Battalion Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) and 103 Battalion (REME).
Members of both Battalions marched in front of the Commanding Officer of 103 Battalion REME and invited guests to formally mark the merger of the pair into one single unit.
The ceremony saw the lowering of the 104 Battalion REME flag for the final time and the raising of the 103 Battalion REME flag.
The merger is part of Army 2020 Refine reorganisation.
REME exist to keep the punch in the Army’s fist. The Corps of REME is the Army’s professional engineers and is everywhere the Army is. From maintaining helicopters, to recovering tanks and repairing the Army’s weapons, REME ensure that the Army’s equipment is ready to use wherever or whenever it is needed.

Flag raising event at Clare Street
Although there will be a change of regimental title REME will continue to live on in Northampton. The 103 Battalion REME HQ has re-located from Crawley, West Sussex to Northampton and the city’s 118 Recovery Company will remain at the Clare Street Army Reserve Centre.
The Force Support Battalion that forms part of 104 Logistic Support Brigade will be in command of around 500 men spread across four Companys and five Platoons based in the East Midlands and South East.
The Commanding Officer of 103 Battalion REME, Lieutenant Colonel John Hanson, said: “The parade is an opportunity to celebrate 24 years of 104 Battalion REME. The disbandment of any Regimental Headquarters is always a sad occasion. All the soldiers who have served under 104 Battalion REME have done so with loyalty, dedication and professionalism.
“And although it is an end of an era for the Battalion their footprint will endure and become part of 103 Battalion REME. It is an immense privilege to command 103 Battalion and I feel honoured to have the responsibility of being the custodian of the combined histories of the two Battalions.
“Our work will remain the same. We will keep the same ties with the city and we will be recruiting as strong as ever.”
Soldiers outside Clare Street Army Reserve Centre
“The parade is an opportunity to celebrate 24 years of 104 Battalion REME."