June 27th 2018
Newark mum encourages others to join the Army Reserve
A mum of four from Newark is encouraging others to join the Army Reserve after recently passing her basic military training.
Private Rebecca Pooley, aged 44, joined the Army Reserve last year after finding out more about 160 (Lincoln) Transport Squadron, 158 Regiment, at the Nottinghamshire County Show.
Reservist Rebecca Pooley
Rebecca said: “I have no military background so a while ago would have laughed if you had told me to join the military in my free time. However, I didn’t realise that actually being a reservist can fit around my family life and that I can still be at home when I need to be – I just train one evening per week and a few weekends a year.”
Explaining that completing her training has pushed her out of her comfort zone, Rebecca continued: “Being a reservist is like nothing I have done before. It was really challenging completing a three night field exercise carrying 30kg on my back, there were times I wanted to give up but I knew that if I could get through it I would be setting a good example for my children. I wanted to prove to my children and myself that if you put your mind to something you can achieve it.”
Training in Lincoln with 160 Transport Squadron, Rebecca commented that looking back to her school days she was ‘lost under the radar’ and didn’t achieve as much as she had the potential to do. However, this is now her time to make a positive change to her way of life and future career aspirations.
She explained: “My family were extremely surprised that I had joined up. Although seeing the change it is already making to my confidence and fitness they are backing me every step of the way to achieve as much as I can.
“I was always incredibly shy at school so all these years later, I have decided to pursue a new part-time Army Reserve career and make a few new memories along the way.”
Before Rebecca joined the Army Reserve in Lincoln she had no experience of distance running, shooting, map reading, drill or battlefield activities but she is now proud to say that she has completed her Alpha and Bravo training, otherwise known as her basic training, and is looking forward to taking the next steps towards completing her Heavy Goods Vehicle License as part of her trade training at her Annual Training Exercise in September.
Rebecca concluded: “No matter how old you are you can achieve. I’d recommend anyone who wants a new challenge to join the Army Reserve. I’ve found it hard at times but also very rewarding. If you take things one step at a time, you will make progress and surprise yourself.”