December 19th 2019
Courageous Nottingham Cadet receives special award
A 13 year old Sea Cadet from Calverton, Nottingham, has received a Royal Humane Society Resuscitation Certificate for his efforts to save the life of an elderly man.
Nottingham Sea Cadet Ben Neal was travelling on holiday with his family when a car stopped suddenly in front of them. The car was in the fast lane of the motorway, so they had to act quickly. Despite the potential danger, and his dad’s concern that he might find the situation traumatic, Ben was very keen to help. Ben took control of the situation, realising the man was having a heart attack. He helped remove him from the car, and immediately began cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Ben has been a Nottingham Sea Cadet since he was 10 and learned many of his first aid skills there. Michelle Welsh, Lieutenant Commander at the Sea Cadets, who nominated Ben for the award, commented: “I was amazed and exceptionally proud when I heard what Ben had done. Our young people gain important life skills through Cadets. When you hear they have been used to save someone’s life, it really does make a difference. It’s exceptionally rare for a 13 year old boy to show so much courage. He didn’t even think about himself but just wanted to help the elderly gentleman in need.”
“I was totally amazed by all the work Ben does in Sea Cadets and St John’s Ambulance, as well as being an ambassador at school to support others. He is an incredible Cadet and has such a bright future ahead of him.”
Nominated for second award
Ben with his award
In addition to the Royal Humane Society award, Ben is nominated for the Chief Constable’s Commendation Award. Ben showed police how to use the defibrillator when they arrived on scene and were unsure how to use it. He continued with CPR for 10 minutes until attending paramedics were ready to apply the defibrillator.
Ben, a pupil at Colonel Frank Seeley Academy, said: “My mum ran across and a man was pulled out of the car. Autopilot kicked in and I just wanted to go and help. I think the award is great, but there are so many people that deserve to get it too.”
“I would say everyone should learn first aid as you never know when you might need it. You might be able to save someone’s life.”
Royal Navy area officer, Commander Richard Delamere, presented the award to Ben at a ceremony at the Nottingham Sea Cadets base in Waterside Way.
Find out more about joining the Cadets here.
"We provide important life skills to our young people and when you hear they have been used to save someone's life, it really does make a difference."