May 7th 2019
Derbyshire Cadet takes part in major musical performance
Last week a Cadet from Derbyshire had the opportunity to take part in a once in a lifetime performance at Edinburgh Castle.
LCpl Kohut at the Castle
Lance Corporal Corey Kohut of Derbyshire Army Cadet Force (ACF) had the honour of performing with the Band and Corps of Drums of Gwent and Powys ACF to perform at the ACF Association Scotland Beating Retreat at Edinburgh Castle.
He met up with the Welsh Cadets on Friday night at Redford Barracks, Edinburgh, and spent most of Saturday learning the music and marching that was needed for the big event that night.
Corey explained: “It had been a fantastic sunny day right up until the beginning of the parade and then the pouring rain started but it didn’t dampen any spirits. It was amazing to walk out from the castle over the drawbridge onto the famous esplanade where Edinburgh Tattoo is held.
“I was part of the fanfare team and principal cornet and I was proud to be the representative for Derbyshire Army Cadet Force among around 150 other cadets from all parts of the UK.”
Derbyshire Army Cadets Band is recruiting, the Band is open to anyone cadet age who wishes to play music, whether they are an experienced musician or a complete beginner.
The Parade in front of the Castle
It can provide instruments, instruction and opportunities to get involved in music with cadets from all over the UK and beyond.
They rehearse on a Wednesday at Sinfin from 7 till 9pm. For more details on how to get involved contact Lt Pete Ward, Director of Music on 0787 0279639 or register to join here.
Derbyshire’s Corps of Drums will hold a open day in Chesterfield on the 18th May from 1000hrs to 1400hrs.
" It was amazing to walk out from the castle over the drawbridge onto the famous esplanade where Edinburgh Tattoo is held."