
September 29th 2022

East Midlands RFCA supports East Midlands University Officers Training Corps on adventure training

East Midlands University Officers Training Corps with flag at top of Aviemore

East Midlands University Officers Training Corps at the top of Aviemore on their adventure training expedition

East Midlands RFCA was delighted to support a recent adventure training expedition by East Midlands University Officers Training Corps. The financial contribution meant the unit were able to maintain and service their equipment, purchase guidebooks to access the best routes, and hire bikes so everyone could take part.

Twenty Officer Cadets from East Midlands University Officers Training Corps went to Scotland on Exercise Dragon Nessie’s Triad at the end of August.  The trip delivered both kayaking and mountain biking foundation courses, in and around the hills of Aviemore.  Throughout the courses, the Reserves were challenged mentally and physically, overcoming worries and fears whilst pushing themselves and developing resilience in a controlled environment.

East Midlands University Officers Training Corps on mountain bikes

The kayakers learned how to navigate low-grade rivers, moving in and out of eddies whilst maintaining river safety and practicing capsize drills. The progression from Day 1 to Day 5 was rewarding: moving from standing water to Grade 3 rapids in such a short period of time was definitely a highlight for all involved. Meanwhile, the mountain bikers were fuelled on adrenaline, learning how to master the downhill runs and tackling technical routes, all whilst being physically tested on the uphill aspects of the day! A highlight was the trail runs as these allowed the bikers to consolidate all the skills they had learned.

East Midlands Unversity Officers Training Corps in kayaks on Loch Ness

Adventure training is a fantastic tool for personal development, allowing individuals to progress their skill set with controlled exposure to risk. It provides an ideal environment to grow and formulate skills that can be transferred to various other aspects of the Cadets’ lives and encourages resilience and team cohesion.  Not to mention the opportunity for trainees to enjoy themselves, spend time with friends and take in the beautiful views Scotland has to offer.

The financial support from East Midlands RFCA meant students were able to reduce the personal contribution required, making the Exercise more accessible to a wider number of Cadets.

Visit the website to find out more about becoming a Reserve with East Midlands University Officers Training Corps.