January 19th 2018
A focus on: 170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group
170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group is a hybrid regular and reserve Army unit based in the East Midlands which recruits reservists from across the UK. Regular and reserve elements were brought together in April 2005 to become what is now 170 Engineer Group.
The group’s main focus is supporting Defence infrastructure projects and other government departments around the world on operations, providing humanitarian aid and supporting civil emergencies.
During 2017 170 Engineer Group sent three of their reservists on a variety of operations in Estonia, the Broader Middle East and Iraq.
Captain Terry Gillard, Engagement and Retention Officer at 170 Engineer Group, said: “Whilst on operations our reservists slot into our regular units and support the work they are doing.
“Being a national unit there is no weekly training for members of 170 Engineer Group, instead they meet up for a minimum of 19 days a year split over a two week training block and weekends.”
UOTC Weekend Pistol Shooting
The unit took part in several different types of training throughout 2017. Including traditional military training, adventurous training and exercises designed around individual’s specialisations in the UK, Cyprus, Germany and Gibraltar.
Most of the reservists at 170 Engineer Group have civilian careers which are not too dissimilar to the kind of roles they have at the unit. This specialisation not only helps the Army, it also offers the reservists a chance to improve their skills and further their careers outside of the military.
Being in the Army Reserve is not all about work though and despite 170 Engineer Group being scattered throughout the UK they are as successful as any other unit when it comes to sporting achievements.
In 2017, they maintained their impeccable shooting record by not only winning the Royal Engineers Reserve Shooting Championships but also having three of their members place in the top 50 of the Army Reserves Operational Shooting Competition.
Lieutenant Chris Atkins represented the unit at the UK Armed Forces Real Tennis and Rackets Championship where he reached all six finals and walked away with an impressive four pieces of silverware.
Working as a team during Exercise Martello Stretch
Capt Terry Gillard explained: “Sporting achievements and adventurous training are really important because they boost the morale of the unit, engender teamwork, help soldiers maintain high levels of fitness and put them under pressure to better prepare them for any operational demands.”
Sapper Simon Killips and Sapper Matt Gregory won the Inter Army’s doubles title for lawn tennis and Officer Cadet Arthur May was runner up in the Royal Engineer Squash Championship, he was also selected to go on tour to San Francisco with the Army Squash Racket Association team.
Lance Corporal Sheona Macmillan also represented 170 Engineer Group in the Army Slalom Championships where she beat off stiff competition from both regulars and reservists to win.
LCpl Sheona Macmillan Army Slalom Champion
Many of our reservists took part in adventurous training expeditions including skydiving, skiing, skeleton bobsleigh, diving and sailing.
As well as all of these incredible achievements 170 Engineer Group has also been fortunate enough to take part in two battlefield studies in the last 12 months.
For one they flew to Lisbon and made their way to Madrid following the route of several key battles during the Peninsula War. They also got to take part in a study that looked at the landings in Normandy on D-Day in 1944.
If you would like more information about or would like to join 170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group you can do so by emailing or calling 0115 957 2170.
“Whilst on operations our reservists slot into our regular units and support the work they are doing."