
May 26th 2023

Importance of ‘why’ in the spotlight at East Midlands RFCA conference

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A re-energised organisational purpose topped the agenda at East Midlands Reserve Forces and Cadets Association’s recent staff conference.

Colleagues from all corners of the organisation – from the estates and employer engagement teams to the Army Cadets’ administrative workforce and all headquarters staff – were invited to Nottingham to network and hear from inspiring guest speakers.

East Midlands RFCA recently undertook an exercise to re-energise its organisational purpose – our ‘why’. The key message from that, which was echoed by guest speakers, is that our people – be they Reserves, Cadets, CFAVs, or the employers who support them – add great value to society.

There were talks from:

  • Leigh Timmis, Honorary Colonel of Derbyshire ACF, an ultra-endurance athlete and double Guinness world record holder;
  • Neil Jurd OBE, Director of Initial Officer Training at the Army Cadet Force and leadership author;
  • Lt Col Bob Peters MBE PARA, a former Cadet and the current Commanding Officer of East Midlands University Officers’ Training Corps;
  • Lt Harry Townsend, Reservist with 103 Regiment Royal Artillery, Hucknall;
  • SMi Samantha Robinson, a Cadet Force Adult Volunteer (CFAV) from Yorkshire;
  • And Frankie Gallop, a former Sea Cadet who now works in cyber security.

Guest speakers shared their journeys to date, how their experience in the Reserves or Cadets has shaped their success, and thanked East Midlands RFCA staff for their vital role in making it all possible. There were also lessons on team building and high performance.

Stuart Williams OBE, Chief Executive of East Midlands RFCA, said: “Our staff day was superb, with the golden thread being about people and going the extra mile. Thank you to our guest speakers for sharing their time, experience and knowledge, and to colleagues for their contributions.”