June 3rd 2019
Kettering General Hospital signs Armed Forces Covenant

At the ceremony L-R KGH Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development, Mark Smith, KGH Deputy Director of Human Resources, Sue Newing, Lt Col Keith Spiers, John Wilson OBE, Ministry of Defence Regional Employer Engagement Director (East Midlands), KGH Chairman, Alan Burns, KGH Chief Executive, Simon Weldon, KGH Lead Governor Peter Woolliscroft.
Kettering General Hospital has signed a covenant pledging its support as an employer and health organisation to the Armed Forces.
Today (Monday, June 3) KGH Chairman Alan Burns signed the Armed Forces Covenant on behalf of the hospital and Lt Col Keith Spiers signed on behalf of the Armed Forces.
By doing so the Trust joined some 3,730 organisations in the UK which have pledged to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with members of the Armed Forces community.
This could include employment opportunities for Regulars or Reservists who have transferable skills such as IT, catering, first aid, business and technical qualifications, when they leave the forces to join civilian life.
In addition the hospital pledges to make sure Armed Forces personnel get good and appropriate access to healthcare and support if they need to use the hospital.
Kettering General Hospital’s Chairman, Alan Burns, said: “By signing the Armed Forces Covenant we endeavour to uphold its principles in our employment processes and ensure we appropriately support ex-service personnel in hospital treatment relating to conditions resulting from their service in the Armed Forces.
“This means we actively work to promote opportunities within the organisation through schemes like the NHS Step into Health programme which supports health career opportunities for personnel leaving the Armed Services.
“By doing these things we are demonstrating our recognition and gratitude to the Armed Forces for the way they face danger, and potentially death and serious injury, in the defence of the realm.
“It means we understand we have a moral obligation to respect and support ex-service personnel when they come into contact with us as an organisation.
“I am delighted that Kettering General Hospital has made this important pledge and joined the ranks of organisations which support our armed services.”
The Ministry of Defence’s Regional Employer Engagement Director, John Wilson OBE, said: “The Covenant provides an opportunity to recognise publicly the value that serving personnel, Regulars and Reserves, veterans and military families contribute to our country.
“Recognising those who have performed military duty unites the country and demonstrates the value of their contribution. This has no greater expression than in upholding this Covenant.”
Benefits for the Trust include employing skilled ex- forces personnel and by being able to advertise its posts through Armed Forces channels.
“By signing the Armed Forces Covenant we endeavour to uphold its principles in our employment processes and ensure we appropriately support ex-service personnel in hospital treatment relating to conditions resulting from their service in the Armed Forces."