
March 6th 2019

Leicestershire woman celebrates 18 years as a Royal Air Force Reserve

Dawn Lucas-Lickess poses in her uniform in front of a lorry

Dawn Lucas-Lickess serves as a Reserve motor transport driver in the RAF as part of No.504 (County of Nottingham) Squadron

A Leicestershire woman has revealed what life is like as a female Reservist as she celebrates her 18th year in the RAF Reserve and encourages other women to follow in her footsteps.

A Leicestershire woman has revealed what life is like as a female Reservist as she celebrates her 18th year in the RAF Reserve and encourages other women to follow in her footsteps.

Senior Aircraftman Dawn Lucas-Lickess, aged 59, from Market Harborough in Leicestershire, serves as a motor transport driver in the RAF as part of No.504 (County of Nottingham) Squadron.

Dawn joined the Reserves at 39-years-old and describes what led her to a life in the military.

She said: “I first thought about becoming a Reservist when my children had grown up and I was eager to do something different from the everyday. It was something that my son and I were both interested in and we applied together.

“I was later deployed to Jordan and my son to Kuwait for three months in 2003 and then six months in Iraq in 2006. We served separately in the first operation and side-by-side for the second stint. Serving together was a unique experience that we both shared and it is something that we will remember.”

Balancing a full-time job with life as a Reservist

Over the years Dawn has learnt to balance the demands of a full-time job with her time in the Reserves.

Dawn said: “I work as a production operative for a pharmaceutical company and train with the Reserves at the weekend. It is an easy balance for me as being a Reservist is something I love to do.

“The best thing about being in the Reserves is the friends I’ve made, the banter we share and the social events we attend. It’s like being part of one big family and it has opened up a different way of life for me.”

During her 18 years in the Reserves, Dawn has been part of many special events, most recently the RAF100.

She said: “I took part in the RAF100 Centenary parade in London, this was a brilliant day and I am honoured to say that I have played a part in history.”

She continues: “Without hesitation, I would recommend joining the Reserves, particularly if you are looking for adventure and the chance to do something different. It will be especially appealing to those who enjoy fitness and physical training.”

Life as a female Reserve

Encouraging other women to follow in her footsteps, Dawn explains what life is like for a female Reservist.

She said: “I didn’t find it daunting joining a male-dominated environment, in fact, I relished the chance to take on new opportunities and make my mark. In my experience, female Reservists are treated equally to their male counterparts, and this is becoming more commonplace as times continue to move on.”

She concludes: “I won’t lie and say that it has always been easy as a Reserve but I can say it has always been worth it.”

For further information about joining the Royal Air Force Reserve, call 0345 606 9069 or visit

“I won’t lie and say that it has always been easy as a Reserve but I can say it has always been worth it.”