October 31st 2018
Lincolnshire’s new Lord Lieutenant’s Cadets
The new Lord Lieutenant’s Cadets for Lincolnshire were appointed at a ceremony hosted at RAF Digby earlier this week.
Cadet Staff Sergeant Josh Chapman from Horncastle detachment was appointed to represent Lincolnshire Army Cadet Force, the Combined Cadet Force representative is Cadet Colour Sergeant Matthew Barmby from King Edward VI Grammar School CCF, representing the Air Cadets is Cadet Flight Sergeant Matthew Mayers of 2160 (Sleaford) Squadron ATC and for the Sea Cadet Corps, Leading Cadet Scott Armsworth from Lincoln Sea Cadets.
During the ceremony the cadets were each presented with their badges by the Lord Lieutenant and were encouraged to give a short speech about what they have achieved during their time in the cadets.
Matthew said: “I am deeply honoured to have been selected for this role and I will do my utmost to uphold the high standard achieved by my predecessors; I hope I gain as many great memories by performing the role as well as they did.”
The cadets will now assist the Lord Lieutenant with his duties by attending events and fulfilling any duties they can. They will also be representatives of their respective Cadet Forces at events.
The ceremony was held in the Officer’s Mess at RAF Digby
Senior Adult Volunteer Colonel Jeremy Field MBE, Commandant of Lincolnshire ACF, said:” Cadet Staff Sergeant Chapman is an excellent role model for the Army Cadet Force. He has sound leadership qualities and is a competent Senior Cadet Instructor who always manages to engage his students.
“He will prove to be an outstanding ambassador as the Lincolnshire Lord Lieutenant’s Army Cadet.”
The previous Army Cadet to hold the position was Beth Train-Brown, a former Cadet Staff Sergeant at Abbey detachment.
She also attended the ceremony where she gave a speech reflecting on her year in the role. Mr Dennis, HM Lord Lieutenant for Lincolnshire also presented Beth with a certificate acknowledging her year of service.
“I am deeply honoured to have been selected for this role and I will do my utmost to uphold the high standard achieved by my predecessors; I hope I gain as many great memories by performing the role as well as they did.”