
June 19th 2019

Loughborough A-Level student: I chose the Navy Reserve as my part-time job

Tommy Whiting Web

Able Rate Tommy Whiting

An A-Level student from Loughborough is encouraging other young people to join the Royal Naval Reserve and balance a life in the military with their studies.

Able Rate Tommy Whiting, aged 18, joined the Seamanship branch at HMS Sherwood in Nottingham when he was 16 years old. Over the past two years his highlights have included; marching in the parade when HMS Sherwood were honoured with the Freedom of the City and being part of the Guard during a parade for the Flag Officer Reserves at HMS Victory.

Tommy explained: “I was incredibly proud to take part in these events and they are highlights of my Naval career. My Dad and Grandfather both served in the Royal Navy and this has inspired my chosen career path, you could say it is in my blood.”

Tommy joined the Reserves as a way of combining his passion for the Royal Navy with furthering his education.

Tommy said: “The plan was to join the Regulars after my GCSE’s, but I got better grades than expected so I joined the Reserves whilst I studied.  Having a part-time job with decent pay has really come in handy whilst I’ve been a student, it’s a definite bonus.

“Balancing student life and the military can sometimes be tough but it is manageable. You have to be prepared to apply yourself to your studies, you can’t be afraid of a bit of hard work.

“I can’t say balancing student life and the military is the easiest thing in the world but it is manageable. If you apply yourself to your studies then you can do it, you can’t be afraid of a bit of hard work.”

Tommy said that his role as a Naval Reserve has given him transferable skills.

“Training in the Reserves is sometimes tough and it can be a bit of a shock to the system at first, you’re suddenly on your feet all day when you’re used to not doing much at all. You gain confidence and learn how to function effectively in stressful situations,” he said.

This summer, Tommy will join the Regular Navy as part of the Submarine branch. Here he explains why other students should opt for a part-time job in the Navy.

He concludes: “Being a Royal Naval Reserve is one of the coolest part-time jobs you can ever get and it opens you up to so many opportunities. As long as you keep on top of your studies, you can have fun at school and in the Navy.”

For further information about joining the Royal Naval Reserve in Nottingham call 0115 929 6373 or email

“Being a Royal Naval Reserve is one of the coolest part-time jobs you can ever get and it opens you up to so many opportunities. As long as you keep on top of your studies, you can have fun at school and in the Navy.”