March 27th 2018
Nottinghamshire Cadet is CVQO Westminster Award finalist
An Army Cadet from Nottingham has been named as one of the finalists of the prestigious CVQO Westminster Award 2018.
Cadet Staff Sergeant Madison Martinez who is a member of Nottinghamshire Army Cadet Force (ACF) has been named as one of the 40 finalists and will go to the final selection event in April.
Cadet Staff Sergeant Madison Martinez explained: “I am extremely honoured and humbled to be nominated for this award. I joined cadets to make friends and develop my confidence and I have been enjoying it ever since.
“Parading at detachment and going on camps always feels like being part of this big family.
“We always look out for one another whilst we are learning new skills and having some fun too.
“As I progressed through the ranks I found myself able to help other cadets on camps. Helping other cadets gain confidence and progress is what I value the most.”
CVQO is an education charity that offer a broad range of vocational qualifications which are designed to recognise the work done by young people and adult volunteers in youth organisations.
The Westminster Award is a national competition for people who have earned a CVQO-led qualification, it is all about overcoming adversity, taking on new challenges, helping those in need and generally being a good citizen.
Last year Madison put her First Aid skills to the test when she assisted a man who had been involved in an accident with a tram in Nottingham, this selfless act is part of the reason she was nominated.
Senior Adult Volunteer, Second Lieutenant Dr Maria Kontogianni, who is Madison’s Detachment Commander at the Nottingham Academy Detachment, said: “We are all incredibly proud of SSGT Martinez for being nominated for this award.
Maria Kontogianni Madison Martinez Sally Andrews
“I remember Madison as a shy recruit and have since seen her apply herself, strive to develop her skills and progress in the cadets.
“Her achievements and accolades stand as a testament to her exceptional character and her tenacity and determination to achieve.”
The selection event in April involves a range of physical and mental challenges, including group tasks, problem solving, outdoor activities and a presentation to the judges.
They are not looking for the best nominee, instead they are searching for those who best demonstrate the values of the competition.
The winners from the selection event will go to a prestigious awards ceremony in London before embarking on an once-in-a-lifetime trip to South Africa in the summer.
Nottinghamshire ACF is currently recruiting both Adult Volunteers and Cadets throughout the county to find out more call 01159 837 645 or email
"Helping other cadets gain confidence and progress is what I value the most.”