June 29th 2021
RAF Air Cadets appoints its first Volunteer Senior Advisor
The Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) has appointed its first ever volunteer Group Captain to serve as Senior Volunteer Advisor.
Group Captain Andy Pass MBE takes up the role of Senior Volunteer Advisor today, 29th June 2021, reporting to Commandant Air Cadets, Air Commodore Tony Keeling. His job is to ensure that the volunteer perspective is represented in policy areas. Key to this will be to influence the RAFAC Senior Leadership Team on the change programme to support the RAF Air Cadets Astra programme.
RAFAC relies heavily on the support of its 16,000 volunteers, who take on the majority of the day-to-day running of the organisation. They deliver the programme of events that makes the Air Cadets one of the premier youth organisations in the UK. This role will ensure that the voice of the volunteers is heard at a senior level in the organisation.
Group Captain Pass joined the RAFAC in 1988 as a Cadet with 2195 (Long Eaton) Squadron, eventually reaching the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer. From 1996 he started his Adult Volunteer career, commanding several Squadrons. He then moved to become a Wing Staff Officer holding various roles including; Sports Officer, Adult Training, Safeguarding Officer, Health & Safety Officer, Aviation Officer and Deputy/Acting Officer Commanding South & East Midlands Wing. In 2017 he was promoted to Wing Commander and assumed full responsibility for the Wing, a role he has held until now.
Group Captain Andy Pass MBE
Volunteers pivotal to the organisation
Commenting on his appointment, Group Captain Pass said:
“I am truly honoured to have been appointed in the new role of RAFAC Senior Volunteer Advisor. I look forward to the opportunity to provide a constructive volunteer voice on the Senior Leadership Team. The volunteer cadre is pivotal to the organisation and it’s right that representation is reflected in any evolving changes. The RAFAC Strategic Review provides a real opportunity to reflect on the Cadet offer, how it’s delivered and how this contributes to RAF Air Cadets ASTRA.
“I am excited by the challenges ahead for the organisation and the opportunity to influence real change. Equally, I very much look forward to meeting and listening to the Cadets and volunteers from across the footprint of the organisation. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the RAF Air Cadets, from Cadet through to OC Wing. It’s an organisation I care deeply for and in my new role, I recognise the unique opportunity I have to represent the views of the volunteers on whom the organisation depends.”
Commandant Air Cadets, Air Commodore Tony Keeling, said: “We are delighted to appoint Group Captain Pass into the role of Senior Volunteer Advisor to the Air Cadets Senior Leadership Team. He will represent our wonderful CFAVs and inform the development of our programme of change. Without our Volunteers, the RAF Air Cadets would be unable to deliver its brilliant offer to young people. We need to ensure that Cadets and volunteers have a senior voice that will contribute to informing key decisions that may affect the whole organisation. I believe it is important that we properly consider different perspectives and diversify our thinking when we update policies and develop RAF Air Cadets Astra, that’s why we need a Senior Volunteer Advisor. Group Captain Pass – welcome to the team!”
It has been quite the year for Group Captain Pass, as he was also awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, in recognition of his contribution to Cadets.
Find out more about joining RAFAC as a Cadet or Adult Volunteer.
"Without our Volunteers, the RAF Air Cadets would be unable to deliver its brilliant offer to young people." Commandant Air Cadets, Air Commodore Tony Keeling