August 6th 2019
Top Cadet ready to give life a go
A very proud LCpl Luke Tonks has just received his detachment’s ‘Cadet of the Year’ award, presented by Lincolnshire ACF’s Major Mandy Edwards. For Luke, this special moment is a milestone in his life.
His cadet journey started when a good mate persuaded him to call in on Abbey detachment’s training night. Before then, Luke was very aware that he was spending too much time inside his house watching TV. He was lured by the thought of being outdoors more often and making new friends.
Luke explained: “I needed a new challenge, so thought I’d give it a go and I’m pleased to say it’s worked out very well for me.”
LCpl Luke Tonks
During WW1, his great grandfather served in a regiment that dug the trenches and his grandfather belonged to a military band. Luke’s family were very pleased when, some 4 years ago, he decided to join the Cadets and have been very appreciative of the “wonderful support” he’s received at his detachment ever since.
Luke still recalls his delight and surprise when he was called forward to receive his promotion to Lance Corporal:
“Everyone would agree that, by nature, I’m rather shy and cautious, so I remember being surprised when I was invited up to accept my first stripe.
“I recall telling myself this means something; it’s proof of improving myself as a person.
“I’m finally overcoming my fear of taking responsibility, of being a role model to others.
“Now, I just need to keep going as I am, maintaining high standards and looking to improve at every opportunity. I’ve cast off the fear of failure and feel I’m ready for any challenge that comes my way.”
This is Luke’s last year in the Cadets, so he’s hoping he’ll receive a second stripe at the forthcoming 9-day Annual Camp in Staffordshire.
Luke concluded: “Going forward into the next stage of my life, I know my time in Cadets will be so valuable – it’s certainly made me be more open with myself. I feel braver, more prepared to take on new challenges. Yes, I’m ready to give life a go.”
"I feel braver, more prepared to take on new challenges. Yes, I’m ready to give life a go.”