Archive - Army Cadet Force - PAGE 13

June 11th 2013

The best gift a Father could get

Stephen Bowes, 49, joined the Cadets as an adult volunteer in 2006, and was thrilled when his son, Joshua, 17, decided to join up two years later. Stephen says that seeing his son develop through the Cadets is the best present he could have asked for as they get to spend more time together and […]

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June 11th 2013

Sporting championship was a success in Lincolnshire

The event is organised by the Army Cadet Force Association and has been hosted by Lincolnshire ACF since 2004 in Grantham, due to the fine sporting facilities at the stadium and the town’s proximity to a number of major transport routes. Cadets who have the furthest to travel are accommodated, the night before, at Beckingham Cadet […]

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May 15th 2013

Potential Officers Selection Training (POST) – was a success

Under the watchful eye of Colonel Chris Young, who for the weekend swapped his role as Commandant at Derbyshire ACF to that of President of Potential Officer Selection Training (POST), a crack team of specially selected ACF officers from across the East Midlands put 16 potential ACF officers through their paces in what can be […]

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April 23rd 2013

Lincolnshire Army Cadet Force to swim the English Channel

This was part of the organised training to acclimatise themselves ready for the gruelling cross channel swim that they are undertaking in late July, early August this year. This is not just the distance in the pool but the real thing from Dover to Calais. Well if David Walliams can do it why can’t Lincolnshire […]

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