April 13th 2022
Royal Yeomanry on Exercise Snow Fox
Adventurous training is one of the perks of becoming a Reservist, and Exercise Snow Fox saw some 100 members of the Royal Yeomanry go to Les Arcs, France to practice their skiing.
Attending personnel got to improve their skiing skills.
The Royal Yeomanry hold an annual alpine skiing competition, bringing together personnel from across the Regiment in a test of physical fitness, confidence building, and teamwork.
Five East Midlands Reservists attended Exercise Snow Fox: one from A Squadron, Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry and four from E Squadron, Leicestershire and Derbyshire Yeomanry, with funding provided from East Midlands Reserve Forces and Cadets Association.
The Reservists took part in several days of downhill skill training, culminating in the Squadrons competing across individual and team races.
Reservists met people from their Regiment from all over the country.
Lance Corporal Callum Moore of E Squadron was in attendance and commented: “Exercise Snow Fox was a great opportunity for members of the Royal Yeomanry. All of the participants spent several days developing their skiing, confidence, and team-building qualities – and, of course, they found time to embrace the local French culture.
“The opportunity to mingle with Yeoman from across the country is something that has not been lost on all members of the trip with strong friendships being formed by all.”
He added: “Exercises like Snow Fox should long continue in order to introduce Yeoman to new sports and continuously aid in pushing members of the Regiment out of their comfort zones.”
Want to get involved in adventurous training? Consider joining the Reserve Forces.